Carrier has zero Attack Value.
Special parameter of the unit is Capacity that determines the amount of resources carried or slaves convoyed.
| Level 1. Slave |
| Level 2. Servant |
| Level 3. Squire |
| Level 4. Adjutant |
Historical summary:
Level 1. Slave
Slave – is the least paid and the hardest job existing, and it is life-threatening therewith. Slaves are forced to drag supplies, build bridges and rafts at crossings, and do all the dirty job for rest of army. Besides accidental death from enemy swords, arrows, claws, magic, and all that can deliver death, a lot of carriers die from diseases, wild animals, and sometimes from their own foolishness… Every peasant family must give every second boy born in family for service – this is how the law says. Physical labour from childhood develops a huge strength. Most of the slaves are far stronger than their owners, and from apprehension of riots and uprisings a decree was issued that slaves were not allowed to learn to read and write.
Level 2. Servant
Same as slaves, servants have no rights. They also were torn out of their homes from a boy. But for certain services slaves are allowed to become servants of noble knights, lords, merchants and craftsmen. More “satiated” life allows them keeping some equipment, slight hauberk and leather armour. Many servants steal supplies in a small way, so keep an eye on them.
Level 3. Squire
The most healthy, strong and clever children are sent to army schools. There they study maintenance of weapons and armour, blacksmithing, cooking, animal husbandry, and taking care of pegasus. Squires are entrusted with maintenance of weapons and armour. They take care of supplies and ammunition. And also look after horses and pegasus. Every Squire is equipped with armour and pack animal.
| Level 1. Dwarf-carrier |
| Level 2. Dwarf-servant |
| Level 3. Dwarf-squire |
| Level 4. Adjutant Dwarf |
Level 1. Dwarf -carrier
Long-long ago, when dwarfs by chance had dug out a portal to Ignis world, sealed in magic woods under capital of Elves, without thinking twice they, driven by greed and will to rule over the world, destroyed Elves’ seals with their runic weapon and opened the portal. Thus, “Fire Age”, predicted in the Elves’ ancient prophecy, begun. However, Elves were in readiness. They fought off demons. What about dwarfs, they were punished for their rash action – since then every boy in the family had to serve Elves.
Level 2. Dwarf -servant
Dwarfs are very proud nation; they’ve taken punishment but vowed never to take in hands weapon intended for somebody else’s battle and never manufacture weapon for elves. The elves departed to depth of mountains to live there and cover from outer world but the Article of one thousand years punishment is followed by them carefully. Dwarf –servant, being experienced in blacksmithing, forges his hauberk and helmet in order to be more protected from enemy arrows.
Level 3. Dwarf-squire
Dwarf-squires are the best representatives of dwarfs living at elves; they are tradesmen and blacksmiths. They ensure delivery of the unique “Runic Solution” created from emeralds with the use of runic magic. They bring new dwarf-recruits. And they watch over that elves didn’t try to pattern production technologies and didn't apply runes to weapon as this was defined in ancient Article of the punishment.
| Level 1. Junior Hobbit |
| Level 2. Hobbit |
| Level 3. Elder Hobbit |
| Level 4. Chief Hobbit |
| Level 1. Marauder -collector |
| Level 2. Marauder -absorber |
| Level 3. Marauder - igniter |
| Level 4. Destroyer-Marauder |
Level 1. Marauder - collector |
Level 2. Marauder -absorber
First experiments over the Marauders yielded good results: first of all, protective function of the scales was significantly improved; second of all, three strong “claws” in their jaws, which were considered being lame mutation, in practice appeared to be very reliable at transportation. If baby-marauder with three “claws” in jaws was born in yard, it was taken to more opportune growth conditions and got more quality training. For jaws, bigger than their relative Marauder-collectors’, they were called Marauder-absorbers.
Level 3. Marauder - igniter
Demons never settled down and continued their experiments. They wanted to breed a special kind of marauders that would be able to fight enemy. Though, this enterprise produced no result. It started well, marauders obtained an ability to belch fire and their skin was coated with a composition produced by special glands of fiery salamanders, which were transplanted to marauders. But, since marauders are apprehensive by their nature, they began to ignite even over shrilly sound from aside, thus burning down carried load and yard. The only good thing that resulted – is that the gene of astral “jumps” had awoke, and so marauders became able to pass through walls and obstacles, which eased devastation of enemy warehouses and hiding places. And the ignitable skin gave stronger protection not only from physical attacks but also from magic.
| Level 1. Despicable Roph |
| Level 2. Slave Roph |
| Level 3. Pack Roph |
| Level 4. Loathsome Rof |
Level 1. Despicable Roph
In the endless labyrinths of Cursed Forests’ subterranean tunnels there are manifold settlements of goblin-rophs who crawl out on the surface and steal stores and livestock under cover of night. Drow catch them and send in smithy where Rophs are chained and forced to work as slaves and servants, and also as living shield on battlefield. Rophs, caught at stealing, are called Despicable and are treated as things that can be easily sold or spent.
Level 2. Slave Roph
It’s quite often that Drow raid underground settlement of Rophs, capturing a lot of slaves during those raids. The captured Rophs are treated more kindly, they are provided with regular meals and lodging; many Elves keep slave-rophs as servants. In army slave-rophs perform mainly loads transportation, dirty jobs, camps construction and field work.
Level 3. Pack Roph
The strongest Roph individuals are jokingly called “Pack” as they can carry load that is larger than their selves. Their strength is not inferior to that of adult athlete. However, Drow are not concerned about riots as Pack Rophs are too silly to oppose the owner’s will. Thanks to good food and care they receive, they are stronger than all other kinds of Rophs.
| Level 1. Young Ghoul |
| Level 2. Skilled Ghoul |
| Level 3. Fast Ghoul |
| Level 4. Commander of Wagon Train |
| Level 1. Small Collector |
| Level 2. Average Collector |
| Level 3. Giant Collector |
Warriors pursue Archers and are victim for Cavalry.
| Level 1. Peasant |
| Level 2. Pikeman |
| Level 3. Knight |
| Level 4. Holy knight |
Level 1. Peasant
The most numerous infantry unit of human army are peasants. Peasants are obliged to serve in the royal army for 3 years, after that they are given a share and a hut, if survive, of course… Peasants armed with any old thing – pitchfork, pickets, sticks with rusty nails and so on. They don’t have armour, they just wear simple rural shirt and thick pants. This strongly reduces their quantity after each battle.
Level 2. Pikeman
In peacetime Pikemen are city guardians, foremen and craftsmen. Even after passing military service every man can be called up anytime. Retired Pikemen are obliged to keep in order and watch over arms and armour. Because no one knows when enemy knocks at the Gate of our city and Motherland will have to be protected.
Level 3. Knight
These warriors, well-armoured and having large shields, are best of all protected from enemy arrows. They are the main impact force of any human army at storm of high walls or fortresses or city gate! The only thing that can deliver damage to the Knights in battle – is Cavalry attack that break squads’ formation. Knights have code of honour they swear an oath to which. They are fully devoted to the church and divine laws. If they are ordered to massacre village or suppress riot, they can turn their arms against their own troops. To die for weak and oppressed is the highest honour for them!
| Level 1. Elven Guardian |
| Level 2. Elven Soldier |
| Level 3. Elven Knight |
| Level 4. Guard Captain |
Level 1. Elven Guardian
The second prestigious weapon for Elves is sword. Young Elves are trained to wield a sword almost same persistently as wielding a bow. Elven forest guards, being more agile than humans, are perhaps the fastest among infantry of all races. Years of training in forests make them strong and enduring, and presence of dangerous magic beasts adds fast running at long range…
Level 2. Elven Soldier
Elven guardians who gained battle experience divested themselves of any prejudice about armour. They get equipped with armour and more heavy swords, but the equipment not a bit prevent them from moving as fast as earlier.
Level 3. Elven Knight
Swordsmen, who acquire mastery of wielding a sword, obtain noble “Elven Knight” status. This allows them purchasing from dwarfs guild excellent runic armour and clothes, light and defending from arrows and magic.
| Level 1. Stone Golem |
| Level 2. Copper Golem |
| Level 3. Golden Golem |
| Level 4. Magic Golem |
| Level 1. Skeleton |
| Level 2. Fighting Skeleton |
| Level 3. Fiery Skeleton |
| Level 4. Infernal Skeleton |
Level 1. Skeleton
Demons needed cheap fighting force they would not feel sorry about if lost in battle. Sending devoted servants to their doom didn’t seem to be a nice idea. With the help of mage-renegades, who practice necromancy, artificial souls were placed into dead bodies of fallen warriors, and blockhead but faithful and blood-thirsty servants – Skeletons – have come out. At time of the Great War, one-hundred-thousandth hordes of skeletons were made in a shortest possible time. Led by the Masters of necromancy, the skeletons crushed any resistance of light races by their persistently growing quantity.
Level 2. Fighting Skeleton
"The great sorrow’s day for Elves will come, raised from the dead will go as a blackened pestilence over the holy woods, and new era – era of sword and fire – will ensue." (Elven ancient prophecy)
Skeletons that died in armour have more serious defence and more efficient weapon. As any equipment, it needs proper maintenance and sometimes repair, which requires additional economic charge. But the most difficult will be – to make skeleton wear armour and take weapon in hands again...
Level 3. Fiery Skeleton
Skeletons are very well protected from arrow attacks. Though, use of thrust and cutting weapon against them is also not effective. The most effective "weapon" against them was – magic, that’s why Demons set themselves a task of giving the Skeletons magic protection. After long search special spells, that turn bones into burning lava impregnated with demonic magic, were worked out. Now bodies of the new skeletons couldn’t be affected by magic. This was absolutely successful decision! Skeletons, treated with the spells, began to be called "Fiery" because of permanent heat and flame that their new bodies emit. It also became possible to equip them with magic weapons delivered from depths of Ignis, which are fiery swords simply burning arms of ordinary skeletons to ashes.
| Level 1. Blade Votary |
| Level 2. Blade Keeper |
| Level 3. Blade Master |
| Level 4. Dagger Master |
Historical summary:
Level 1. Blade Votary
Even though dark Elves were driven by light Elves out of the Magic Woods, they still keep the same traditions. However, blade is considered more honourable weapon than bow after some time, as there is no special means for using bow in caves. Drow serve the cult of Blade from childhood, acquiring skills of fighting and wielding weapon.
Level 2. Blade Keeper
In the junior age every Blade Votary has to pass a test: a deathly battle one-on-one with beast of cursed woods. It is frequently that the battle ends with death of votary… But those who stand the test proudly have name of "Blade Keeper".
Level 3. Blade Master
Battle-hardened Keepers gain considerable experience with time. They become real masters when it comes to using blades. Blade Masters is the highest caste of Dark Elves swordsmen. No one can match them on battlefield; and in peacetime they train new generations of Votaries.
| Level 1. Dead Man |
| Level 2. Zombie |
| Level 3. Zombie Commander |
| Level 4. Immortal Grunt |
| Level 1. Clay Golem |
| Level 2. Ice Golem |
| Level 3. Iron Golem |
Cavalry pursue Warriors and are victim for Airborne.
| Level 1. Light Cavalry |
| Level 2. Medium Cavalry |
| Level 3. Heavy Cavalry |
| Level 4. Kavalry Elite |
Level 1. Light Cavalry
The most enduring and mobile horses are selected for Light Cavalry. By the use of their huge axes and on the breakneck speed the riders literally cut enemies in half. The horses can’t bear heavy weight that why they are equipped only with light armour. Raids against the foot columns, trade caravans escort, pursue of gangster mobs – this is the list of tasks for Light Cavalry taken service with Rulers.
Level 2. Medium Cavalry
Medium Cavalry Riders are taught first of all to fight being surrounded by enemy infantry. Rushing fast into the enemy troops, they start fighting with dozen of infantrymen at the same time. Massive armour helps to avoid thrust and cutting weapon hits. The rider can be overpowered only if thrown off his horse.
Level 3. Heavy Cavalry
Heavy Cavalry is the most elite horsed forces of humans. Encased in armour riders, as well as horses, leave only dead bodies behind when they weep past enemy infantry. Tournament pikes, modified for battle use, pierce any defence whether it is armour or fieldwork. The only force that can stop attacking Heavy Cavalry – are the flying beasts that tear the riders of their saddles up to the sky.
| Level 1. Young Centaur |
| Level 2. Centaur |
| Level 3. Fighting Centaur |
| Level 4. Ancient Centaur |
Level 1. Young Centaur
Every Centaur that has reached a mature age, proudly takes a weapon in his hands and join the army of Elves-liberators. Centaurs are really grateful to Elves for keeping up peace among races in Magic Woods.
Level 2. Centaur
In the old ages Centaurs lived as independent tribe and treated Elves nearly aggressively. But after Pegasus left Magic Woods, and Pegasus were the favourite dainties of Griffins, the Griffins began to hunt Centaurs instead. Being not numerous tribe that doesn’t wield magic, Centaurs had nothing to do but ask Elves for help. Unlike youth, more experienced Centaurs wear armour that significantly complicates enemy’s task.
Level 3. Fighting Centaur
The most experienced and strong fighters among Centaurs obtain "Fighting Centaur" status. They are taught the most efficient way of annihilating enemy infantry. Also, they are equipped with special armour and clothes made by dwarfs and impregnated with "Runic Solution". Such clothes is nearly impenetrable and magic-proof.
| Level 1. Talbuk |
| Level 2. Combat Talbuk |
| Level 3. Magic Talbuk |
| Level 4. Leader of Herd |
| Level 1. Terrosaur |
| Level 2. Creature |
| Level 3. Infernal Creature |
| Level 4. Evil Incarnate |
Level 1. Terrosaur
These brain-dead creatures dwell in lava waste plots of Ignis. Demons successfully use them for pressing enemy infantry. Terrosaurs are caught into big cages and delivered to the battlefields; the cages open and starving animals rush onto the enemy with complete abandon, all they see in front is – food…
Level 2. Creature
More clever individuals are selected for training. Generally those are already experienced males and herds leaders. Creatures are taught to search soft spots in enemy infantry armour and strike there. No matter how firm the armour would be, infantryman has no chance to withstand these swift and merciless beasts.
Level 3. Infernal Creature
Dragons that are dwelling in volcanic rocks of Ignis waste plots, hunt Creatures as food. Natural enemy for them are flying animals. Demons spent a lot of time trying to overcome Creatures’ fear of air attacks but the efforts were futile. So skin of Creatures was simply processed with magical solution that keeps permanent fire on their skin. This cools down the enemy airborne’s wish for regale.
| Level 1. Pangolin Rider |
| Level 2. Destructor |
| Level 3. Juggernaut |
| Level 4. Immortal Juggernaut |
Level 1. Pangolin Rider
Hoofed animals never lived in Cursed Woods, only big predators and heavy awkward herbivores like elephants were there. But Dark Elves have found a solution; they tamed pangolins and thus got quite threatening cavalry for their army – Pangolin Riders. The riders’ job mostly consists of directing the animal move, and the pangolins break in formation of enemy infantry and start gorging all their jaws with razor teeth can reach to, spreading panic and horror among enemy troops.
Level 2. Destructor
More experienced riders can ride pangolin with one hand. Thanks to it they can also participate in battle. Such riders are called Destructors. Destructors’ pangolins are equipped with extra armour for better defence.
Level 3. Juggernaut
When first time conflicted with Knights, Drow suffered a shattering defeat. Well-armoured Knights were tough target for pangolin’s teeth. Then riders were armed with pikes. Thanks to high speed of pangolins, pikes break through any shields and armours at frontal impact. The riders are called "Juggernaut" and are used for pressing enemy armoured infantry.
| Level 1. Dark Horseman |
| Level 2. Dark knight |
| Level 3. Knight of Darkness |
| Level 4. Knight of Death |
| Level 1. Orc on Worg |
| Level 2. Barbarian Orc |
| Level 3. Fighting Orc |
Airborne pursue cavalry and are victim for Archers.
| Level 1. Pegasus |
| Level 2. Silver Pegasus |
| Level 3. Gold Pegasus |
| Level 4. Diamond Pegasus |
Pegasus are oviparous mammals. They are smart beings. They can detect good and evil in range of 60 yards. If provoked Pegasus won’t be shy to attack creatures they feel to be evil. Tamed Pegasus will obey commands of their owner forever, if the owner holds good principles of life tough.
Level 1. Pegasus
No one really knows why Pegasus left Magic Woods and began to serve humans. Someone thinks that the reason is a curse of Elves-Drow. Others say that Pegasus have discerned true purity of human soul. Third talk about humans simply bribed Pegasus with tasty feed. With their hooves Pegasus are able to fracture no matter how firm helmet. However, young Pegasus are not very trustful and don’t let put armour on them; in fact they rarely obey anyone except those who brought them up.
Level 2. Silver Pegasus
More adult and mature Pegasus have silver colour mane. Being experienced in communication with humans they allow equipping themselves with armour and steel horseshoes. Thus they get good defence from enemy weapon and obtain heavier strike.
Level 3. Gold Pegasus
As it turned out, Pegasus like to show off in front of other relatives. The most strong and skilful individuals are equipped with gilded armour, which adds some extra points to their status in flock. Such individuals can not often be found among young Pegasus, generally those are Pegasus of age. As the remaining sands of their lives are few, they fight with unexampled fury without sparing themselves.
| Level 1. Young Griffin |
| Level 2. Griffin |
| Level 3. Fighting Griffin |
| Level 4. Ancient Gryphon |
Level 1. Young Griffin
Griffins are chimeras made by means of alchemic transmutation of lion and eagle that combine characteristics of both and bring death to enemy cavalry as horses were always a favourite prey of Griffins. Sense of danger and smell, intrinsic to lions, give big advantages over other flying creatures, and eagle-eye and ability to fly allow them to trace a prey and to chase it remaining unnoticed and being many miles away from the target, waiting for the best moment for attack. Young Griffins are taught first of all not to hunt Centaurs and obey their owner.
Level 2. Griffin
More adult individuals are let go to reservations in mountains where they procreate and gain experience of wild living. After siring they come back to Elves and continue serving as air escort. Dozen years of wild life make them more fierce and dangerous but training from early ages doesn’t allow them to disobey Elves.
Level 3. Fighting Griffin
Lived through multitude battles, the most adult griffins are respectfully called “Fighting”. Having seen death and enemy blade, they allow Elves to improve their defensive characteristics by impregnation of feathers on head and chest with "Runic Solution" supplied by dwarfs. The surest way of killing a Griffin is piercing its heart, and this task becomes almost impossible after the treatment.
| Level 1. Servant of Lamp |
| Level 2. Genie |
| Level 3. Battle Genie |
| Level 4. Supreme Genie |
| Level 1. Dragon |
| Level 2. Rusty Dragon |
| Level 3. Black Dragon |
| Level 4. Mithril Dragon |
Level 1. Dragon
Everyone knows that Dragons are fond of gold. Demons took advantage of the weakness and gained dragons over. Durable scales, massive claws, ability to resist magic, fiery breath, and superior intellect… these creatures don’t have weak physical sides. They prefer fighting against usual targets: centaurs, cavalry and other big ground creatures. Though, sometimes they are so keen on pursuing a victim that they can be easily entrapped and shot down from small arms.
Level 2. Rusty Dragon
Dragons that live not far from gas geyser are rusty coloured. Poisoned water and toxic air have changed their respiratory system so that instead of fire they spit weird mixture of acid and unknown oxidant that in a moment can dissolve any material even metal and stone. Flesh is affected in other way, firm lava-proof bodies of Terrasaurs soften and boil alive, for better eating. Skin of the Dragons is not that firm as Black Dragons’ but acid mucus covering whole body dissolves most of projectiles and favour better regeneration of wounds.
Level 3. Black Dragon
Not without reason Black Dragons are called "dragon kings". They are huge as compared with relatives and live several thousand years. They possess the most ancient and destructive magic of three worlds. No Black Dragon will allow any mortal whether it demon or human to approach its lair. However, somehow Demons managed to steal one of the Dragons’ whelps and breed their own selection, using ordinary and rusty dragons, and the demon magic is also in it. These hybrids inherited the firmest scales that can be harmed neither by sword nor by magic. Because of accelerated growth of body, neck part of the skeleton formed poorly and had to be strengthened with magic of lava. In spite of such strange way of breeding, the creatures came out quite serious and filling enemies with shudders and horror. Small flock of Black Dragons is able to annihilate whole army of enemy cavalry in a few minutes.
| Level 1. Harpy |
| Level 2. Harpy -witch |
| Level 3. Fighting Harpy |
| Level 4. Insane Harpy |
Historical summary:
Level 1. Harpy
Probably the most serious danger in cursed woods comes from Harpies – half-birds, half-maidens. When attacking, they kill women and children only, stunned men are taken with harpies to their mountain caves. Thanks to the dark magic, Drow alchemists have found a way to negotiate with queen of Harpies. Sacrificing Rophs to Harpies, dark Elves have obtained an ability of recruiting Harpies to their army for the purpose of dealing shortly with enemy cavalry.
Level 2. Harpy -witch
Many Harpies possess magic skills, in general mental type of; sending illusions and affecting enemy by sounds, they easily disable draught animals making them run away in panic. After the magic attack of Harpies the Witches, riders become no more than pushover.
Level 3. Fighting Harpy
Harpies that were not endowed with magic possession are used for closing-in fighting, usually after Witches attack; they finish off dismounted and wounded riders. They also equally fight with enemy airborne animals.
| Level 1. Bone Dragon |
| Level 2. Battle Dragon |
| Level 3. Ethereal Dragon |
| Level 4. Ghost Dragon |
| Level 1. Marsh Gargoyle |
| Level 2. Rocky Gargoyle |
| Level 3. Fiery Gargoyle |
Archers pursue Airborne and are victim for Warriors.
| Level 1. Archer |
| Level 2. Arbalester |
| Level 3. Heavy Arbalester |
| Level 4. Archer Elite |
Level 1. Archer
Archers possess high range of hitting the aim and high rate of fire. Those seem to be all of their benefits. At training an archer have to shoot no less than 5000 arrows. And even after that not every archer can hit target behind obstacles or target that’s moving. So, duration of long-range infantry training leaves much to be desired. Because of serious selection Archers have to be very well paid. Placement of shooting grounds requires wide territories and building of every also costs a good deal of money.
Level 2. Arbalester
Clashed with dwarfs, same as at clashing with any race, humans were trying to prove their power and valour by levying a war. But fortresses, garrisons and mountain cities of the dwarfs appeared to be impregnable. Strange shortened and heavy arrows pierced the firmest armour same way as knife pierces butter. But dwarfs, curiously enough, came to nothing more than defence and the war was over on that. On the war ending dwarfs- traders filled humans’ cities. Among things that they sell arbalests could be found. They were quite massive and heavy for human but had staggering penetration. That’s how in human army Arbelesters appeared. Those who could not cope with bow were allowed to serve among Arbalesters. They were effective in both defence and attack.
Level 3. Heavy Arbalester
Heavy arbalests are so powerful that pierce two, sometimes even three, infantrymen through. In order to charge them efforts of two people are needed – usually a personal squire helps Arbalester with that. In field battles Heavy Arbalester shoot only once. That’s why they are equipped with firm armour and swords for participating in close-in fighting. Enemy flying animals suffer from Heavy Arbalesters most of all as bolts hit very quickly and accurately giving no time for dodging a cunning manoeuvre.
| Level 1. Elven Archer |
| Level 2. Ranger |
| Level 3. Silver Ranger |
| Level 4. Ranger Elite |
Historical summary:
Level 1. Elven Archer
For male Elves there is no more prestigious weapon than bow. From childhood Elves learn to hit a coin from the distance of 500 yards. Young Elves hunt procuring food and improving skills of shooting at moving targets at the same time.
Level 2. Ranger
Shooting Elves squads call themselves Rangers; they guard Magic Woods from intruders. It is they who protect Centaurs’ camps from wild Griffins’ attacks. They kill flying creatures even before they are able to dive and try to steal gaping baby-centaurs.
Level 3. Silver Ranger
Feature of Silver Rangers is dwarfs’ runic cloak. Thanks to the colour they are very hard to catch site of in leaves, and dwarf fabric impregnated with "Runic Solution" protects from detecting by magic. You can never find Silver Ranger before he finds you. Too bad that a bow is not that much powerful weapon to pierce heavy armour of Knights, and that makes Silver Rangers quite vulnerable to armoured infantry attacks.
| Level 1. Giant |
| Level 2. Demigod |
| Level 3. Titanium |
| Level 4. Thunderer |
| Level 1. Elemental |
| Level 2. Lava Elemental |
| Level 3. Fire Elemental |
| Level 4. Infernal Elemental |
Level 1. Elemental
Everyone knows that Demons never leave their scorching world. If needed, they send their servants to our world. Only with rare exception high rank Demons pass boundary of the worlds. For remote attacks Elementals were created. In shell made from soil and clay an artificial soul, obeying a master, is placed. Elemental throws at enemy anything found: stones, pieces of trees, skeletons, marauders, terrosaurs and even other elementals that were not lucky to be near about...
Level 2. Lava Elemental
Lava Elementals are more perfect, their souls are contained in heart made from lava that is contained in body from lava and volcanic ashes. These creatures squad attack reminds volcano blowout before eruption. Lava and ashes drop on the enemy setting their bodies on fire and poisoning air with volcanic fume which is most harmful for airborne animals of the enemy who choke right in the sky.
Level 3. Fire Elemental
Peak of perfection when it comes to creation of living out of non-living – is Fire Elemental fully created from fire. Lava heart is perhaps the only thing in them that can be physically attacked, thereto arrows and projectiles can hardly reach the target as they simply burn to ashes few meters away from it. Only a knight encased in magic armour is able to approach and strike Fire Elemental’s heart. Fire columns that Elementals let out can burn down air targets in an instance.
| Level 1. Hunter |
| Level 2. Sniper |
| Level 3. Dark Sniper |
| Level 4. Sniper Elite |
Level 1. Hunter
Despite changes, Drow keep respecting Bows as weapon, basically out of respect for the ancestry. In the beginning of settlement in the Cursed Woods, Hunters were the only defence from Harpies.
Level 2. Sniper
The best marksmen are called “Sniper”, they are able to hit targets from immense distance, as well as Elven Rangers can. As enemy races have flying animals, this type of troops became very needed.
Level 3. Dark Sniper
Dark Snipers see at the moonlight as good as at sunlight. Years of living in darkened caves made Drow able to see in the darkness so it’s nearly impossible to assault cities of Dark Elves as huge caves are easily swept with arrows by the best Drow archers – the Dark Snipers thus burying whole legions in underground caves.
| Level 1. Werewolf |
| Level 2. Blood Werewolf |
| Level 3. Vampire |
| Level 4. Moon Shooter |
| Level 1. Young Needlesaur |
| Level 2. Needlesaur |
| Level 3. Poisonous Needlesaur |
The unit's special feature - "Resurrection of troops after combat" - is measured in the amount of units a single Healer can resurrect.
Healers that survived after combat resurrect fallen troops from their party first, and then from ally's party. Resurrected Healers don't resurrect anyone in the current combat any more.
The process begins from the left to the right and is done one by one from each group, i.e. one Carrier first, then one Warrior etc. After the resurrection of one Mage another Carrier is resurrected again etc.
If 10 Warriors and 100 Carriers were killed in action, and 20 units can be resurrected, then 10 Carriers and 10 Warriors will be resurrected.
| Level 1. Novitiate |
| Level 2. Monk |
| Level 3. Warrior Monk |
| Level 4. Cardinal |
Level 1. Novitiate
Novitiates are recruited among the abandoned children who get at least a chance to survive, to avoid living a poor life of a beggar or a snatch thief, and to serve God, people and knowledge. Novitiates under 20 years are forbidden to take weapons in hands and shed the blood of living creatures. But this doesn't prevent the rulers to use them as healers, penmen and translators. Each Novitiate gets the knowledge needed to heal the wounded. Also, they are skilled in scholarship, numbers, rune writing, philosophy, mechanisms and many other sciences and languages. Many Novitiates who passed 10-15 years in monasteries are a lot more educated than honourable noblemen. A party maintained by Novitiates will have much less losses on a battlefield.
Level 2. Monk
As soon as a Novitiate reaches 20 years he is sent to secret and remote, unseen by mundane eyes, monasteries where, after completing 5 years of training, they become Monks. Monks not only heal the wounded, but are also learnt special prayers that allow restraining a soul in a fallen warrior's body until the latter gets healed. Thanks to these prayers Monks literally resurrect the dead and bring the fatally wounded back to the ranks. Rumours say that they make a deal with the Devil giving up on a part of their souls in exchange for the warriors saved by them. Due to these rumours they're much honoured by the human troops and raise a party's morale to unbelievable heights.
Level 3. Warrior Monk
Novitiates that broke the taboo and took arms in their hands before they became Monks, become renegades of the Church Order and are subject to exile and persecution as this is the will of the Almighty! However, time passed and renegades formed their own order. Warrior Monks' services are very expensive, but thanks to the special survival school of the renegades' order they are much more dangerous in combat. And because of studying not only common, but also prohibited by the Church, sciences such as human transmutation alchemy, blood magic and black runes of life, they're much more efficient in healing craft than common Monks, too.
| Level 1. Healer |
| Level 2. Templar |
| Level 3. Supreme Templar |
| Level 4. Mistress of life |
Level 1. Healer
The majority of Elven women choose the way of service to the nature and become Healers. They spend long days in prayers and studies of the magic of nature and life in secluded cells. They heal the wounded and revive the fallen. It is also them who follow the Elves to their last great journey...
Level 2. Templar
Elder priestesses who grasped deeper mysteries of life become Templars. Temlars are better protected and trained to use the magic of air, though rather for defence than offence. Their Code prohibits from killing the living creatures. They are so fanatically dedicated to the Code that can help the wounded and the dying without fatigue.
Level 3. Supreme Templar
The masters of the magic of life are called Supreme Templars. They close cuts and heal light wounds just with their presence. And nobody in the world can compare to them in resurrection of fallen warriors. Elves worship Supreme Templars as much as the Queen and the Goddesses.
| Level 1. Young Healer |
| Level 2. Healer |
| Level 3. Master Healer |
| Level 4. Keeper of Magic |
| Level 1. Blood Azer |
| Level 2. Healing Azer |
| Level 3. Fire Azer |
| Level 4. Master of souls |
Level 1. Blood Azer
The race of Azers are nomads who live in volcanic wastelands of Ignis. They worship the magic of blood and fire, which is the reason for them to serve Demons. Long time ago Azers left our world for the world of lava and fire being dragged by priests and the will of fire. There they met Demons, proclaimed them their Gods and started settling in territories of Ignis. Blood magic knowledge permits them to revive fallen warriors, and the magic of fire permits to attack adversaries with the simplest spells.
Level 2. Healing Azer
Azers who stayed in our world grew wild, turned into trolls living in small families all around the world's territory. Those Azers who dedicated their lives to the blood magic study become Healing Azers. They can revive several allies altogether. At the same time they don't forget to throw small fireballs at enemies.
Level 3. Fire Azer
Other Azers believe that the truth lies in fire. After they studied the fire element they've learnt an incredible magic of healing. Fire Azers are able, as they call it themselves, "to blow the fire of a smouldering soul". This magic rite permits to bring fallen warriors back to life very quickly.
| Level 1. Priestess |
| Level 2. Priestess of Llot |
| Level 3. Archpriestess |
| Level 4. Priestess of Darkness |
Level 1. Priestess
After the defeat of Elves in the beginning of the Era of Fire many of them were tempted by the dark magic and turned to it. The Great Goddess of Life punished her children, the Elves, with the curse of Drow. They were exiled from the Magic Woods by the untempted Elves and wandered in lands looking for shelter. The keeper of earth – Goddess Llot – appeared before the eyes of the Great Priestess T'luan in a form of giant spider. In exchange for the oath of allegiance she showed the Drow the way to heal and regenerate the half-dead flesh of the Drow affected by the curse of her squeamish sister – the Goddess of Life and Light.
Level 2. Priestess of Llot
Due to the dark energy of earth the Drow didn't die out, but, on the contrary, obtained even longer life than their former fellows – Elves. Priestesses, the most skilled in handling of the earth energy flows, are called Priestesses of Llot in the name of the Goddess. They can use their powers to heal the wounded and resurrect the dead more efficiently.
Level 3. Archpriestess
The true servants of Llot are given a truly terrifying power. They're able to regenerate the bodies of dead warriors and bring them back to life. In the earth energy flows they manage to intercept the souls of entire squads before they get to the lower world of the dead, and to return them back to their regenerated bodies.
| Level 1.Lake Witch |
| Level 2. Banshee |
| Level 3. Ancient Banshee |
| Level 4. Supreme Banshee |
| Level 1. Forest Witch |
| Level 2. Air Witch |
| Level 3. Hell Witch |
Aren't attacked by Fortifications.
| Level 1. Robber |
| Level 2. Daredevil |
| Level 3. Sword Master |
| Level 4. Mercenary Elite |
Level 1. Robber
Robbers are recruited indiscriminately among the lovers of easy pickings: rogues, pick-pockets, thugs and other kinds of street rabble. The main thing when recruited is to know how to wield a sword. Criminal past makes them risk their lives almost for nothing, but it's a better choice than the hanging... However, this significantly affects the effectiveness of such an army. Therefore rulers use them as cannon fodder before the attack of main army.
Level 2. Daredevil
Having gone through many campaigns and marauded enough Robbers become more experienced warriors and proudly call themselves Daredevils. They've already accepted their fate of being on forefront, in the very hell. Many don't survive, many desert, and rulers are forced to raise their salary. But despite everything they remain rascals and thugs who live only for money and pleasure.
Level 3. Sword Master
Few from thousands of common Robbers and Daredevils are accepted to study in the elite of human mercenaries. Even then majority of them dies being unable to survive the severe training. Sword Masters are recruited mainly among professional killers and murderers, dagger and poison experts – the criminal world's elite of the elite. However, honourable noblemen and skilled warriors aren't seen rarely among them. There are only two valuable things in the Guild of Sword Masters – art of assassination and heavy purse...
| Level 1. Assassin |
| Level 2. Master Assassin |
| Level 3. Great Master Assassin |
| Level 4. Legendary Assassin |
Level 1. Assassin
Alliance between an elf and a human is forbidden, but love knows not neither rules, nor laws. Half-elves, persecuted by humans and not recognised elves as equals, are doomed to be servants and labourers. Greed and envy, inherent to humans, drive them often at the way of thievery and robbery. Such half-breeds are exiled to special guilds where they're trained to be mercenary assassins as a punishment.
Level 2. Master Assassin
Master Assassins, who have learnt the mysteries of dagger and poison, conduct brilliant strike operations, slaughtering rest camps and fortresses' garrisons, overcoming any fortifications.
Level 3. Great Master Assassin
Elite warriors among assassins are called Great Masters. They're honoured to use the dwarven tissue that permits them to avoid being detected with magic. Enemy army gets to know that they're going to meet Great Master Assassins only when it's too late.
| Level 1. Serpentine Mercenary |
| Level 2. Naga |
| Level 3. Experienced Naga |
| Level 4. Queen Naga |
| Level 1. Demonesse |
| Level 2. Battle Demonesse |
| Level 3. Flaming Demonesse |
| Level 4. Infernal Demonesse |
Level 1. Demonesse
The only ones who showed themselves in our world are Demonesses, but, alas, those are mere aerial copies that are able to wield a weapon and disappear because of any wound. Thanks to a rite the summon of Demonesses is quite fast – they literally come out of the gate one after another.
Level 2. Battle Demonesse
Battle Demonesses are equipped better than common demonesses of lower ranks. Two-edged daggers and knuckles in the form of claws can deliver significant damage since the very beginning of a battle. They accomplish rapid attack missions especially well. Disappearing one after another under enemy strikes they manage to exchange their aerial shell for several enemy warriors.
Level 3. Flaming Demonesse
Flaming Demonesse, dazzling with her beauty, is able to kill a dozen of distracted warriors before disappearing. She has the highest attack value among mercenaries of all other races, because, aside from wielding cold arms, she's able to deliver close range strikes with fire magic.
| Level 1 Headhunter |
| Level 2. Slayer |
| Level 3. Perfect Slayer |
| Level 4. Legendary Killer |
Level 1. Headhunter
Llot's gift couldn't maintain bodies eroded by the curse. Grey hair and continuous pain of flesh is what awaits all Dark Elves in the old age, therefore in order to die in battle, and not in a bed, many of them choose the way of mercenary entering the ranks of Headhunters. On last stages of the disease the body of Drow is so worn-out by continuous regeneration that even the smallest cut can lead to irreversible consequences and even to death.
Level 2. Slayer
Those Drow who weren't lucky enough to fall in their first battle are called Slayers. Cold look and detachment from this world, and only one desire – to die in a fight – that's all they got left. These Mercenaries deliver much bigger damage than simple Headhunters. Slayers try to wear their clothes in a way that other Drow couldn't see saprogenic areas on their bodies, because with time even the magic of Llot isn't capable of suppressing the Drow curse.
Level 3. Perfect Slayer
Not many Drow live to see the rank of Perfect Slayer, but those are truly skilful warriors. Having a lot of fights in the past, they've learnt to evade any attacks, though they haven't got a lot of time left to live. They fanatically try to take as many enemies with them as possible.
| Level 1.Lost Soul |
| Level 2. Ghost |
| Level 3. Ghost of Darkness |
| Level 4. Ghost of King |
| Level 1. Forest Spirit |
| Level 2. Water Spirit |
| Level 3. Fire Spirit |
Decrease damage delivered to attacking troops by Defensive Towers and Magic Towers in combat (when attacking domain with Towers).
| Level 1. Mage's Apprentice |
| Level 2. Mage |
| Level 3. Archmage |
| Level 4. Airbender |
Level 1. Mage's Apprentice
Being even an apprentice of a mage in the world of humans is very prestigious. Vast majority of people, both nobles and commoners, are sincerely afraid of mages. Mages have always been outlaws, but during the reign of King Rafard V a special royal decree was issued that allowed magic studies in spite of the Church's protests. More than 10 centuries ago, in the times of Rafard V, people encountered a previously unknown enemy – necromancers. This period of time in history has been called the "Dead time". Brave knights fought valiantly, but the fallen enemies continued to rise from the dead. And no end was seen to the horde of darkness until the outlaw mages have come to assistance. Nine Great Archmages of the blood magic circle performed a rite sacrificing their lives and thus protected the human race from the evil necromancers' magic for a thousand years. The dead stopped rising from their graves or from battlefields. And the war's balance changed.
Level 2. Mage
Any more or less rich man can become Mage's Apprentice. However, few are allowed becoming true Mages. Mages can protect troops from being wounded by projectiles with their mana shields. Using the telekinesis they're able to deflect heavy catapult projectiles. And using the combat spells they can deliver significant damage to enemy troops. Mainly due to the Church's bans Mages are taught the spells of protection above all. Rulers use the services of Mages only during sieges in order to decrease losses, because it's quite expensive...
Level 3. Archmage
After decades of training mages find "their own way of magic", which depends on relation with a certain type of energy. After introducing their power to the Council of Archmages and proving that they are worth mages receive the right for the Archmage's robe. An Archmage is a free man and has a right to do whatever he wishes for – to become a mercenary in the army or to seclude himself and search for the "Source", or to found an academy and teach young mages. The "Source" is what they call a reason existence for the magic. An Archmage can stop thousand arrows falling on the army with just a look. Boulders and projectiles, barrels with boiling oil turn and fly back into enemies, a burning ditch becomes alive and devours walls and buildings. Defence of any city becomes almost useless if an attacking army has Archmages.
| Level 1. Herbalist |
| Level 2. Druid |
| Level 3. Archdruid |
| Level 4. Lord of forest |
Level 1. Herbalist
Half-breeds attracted by magic retire into the depths of magic woods in order to grasp the mysteries of nature and life. In solitude they learn the magic of nature. Those who don't succeed in magic become Herbalists. Herbalists don't take part in combat. During marches they make unique magical defensive potions for warriors. For a short time these potions increase perception and agility, strength and stamina, speed and durability etc. Also, they help warriors to notice and avoid timely enemy siege projectiles quite efficiently.
Level 2. Druid
Druids feel the currents of life energy and the currents of death energy as well. A few days before battle they disappear, retire to their secret meadows that follow druids in a way unknown to anybody. There they summon the nature to defend armies. Giant Ents with huge wooden shields become the living defenders against enemy towers' fire.
Level 3. Archdruid
The most powerful mages of life receive the rank of Archdruid. Aside from Ents-defenders they can summon the forces of nature right on battlefield. They bring with them squads of strange plants looking like thorns, from secret meadows. These flowers spit magical seeds, which immediately start to grow into different kinds of marvels: living siege towers and siege walls, vine ladders, bridges over ditches and gigantic living vine roots that hinder the siege machines' fire, appear right before the eyes of an enemy. Under the command of a Hero Mage they are capable of becoming the most powerful striking force.
| Level 1. Sorcerer's Apprentice |
| Level 2. Sorcerer |
| Level 3. Supreme Sorcerer |
| Level 4. Master of Magic |
| Level 1. Ice Lich |
| Level 2. Lich |
| Level 3. Blazing Lich |
| Level 4. Ancient Lich |
Level 1. Ice Lich
If a Mage's soul is predisposed to the magic of water, then he has no access to the magic of fire in any form. Accepting the dark force granted by Demons, striving for power, the mages die in order to resurrect for eternal life in the form of Lich. After this process many lose their minds and are only able to fulfil wishes of their masters – the Demons. The lowest class of Liches are the Ice Liches. They are the weakest among the undead apt for magic. But even being the weakest they are capable of efficiently defending the army against projectiles of defensive towers freezing not only enemy arrows and projectiles in the air, but also birds, trees, gardens, farmers, and also cottages, walls and small towns...
Level 2. Lich
Usually Liches lead hundred and thousand strong squads of the undead. Directing and giving orders they provide cover at the same time. Common Liches aren't bound to one type of magic and are able to cast spells of any school, but at a low level, which makes them more efficient than Ice Liches. They're able to cast quicksand under enemy mobile fortifications or to poison the air in enemy's tower and other similar spells that make enemy's defence ineffective.
Level 3. Blazing Lich
Especially strong mages after being resurrected wander off to Ignis, where they're being charged with Demon magic, which turns them into Blazing Liches. Blazing Liches are able to burn through Gates and melt walls with the sizzling magic of fire. Arrows and projectiles simply don't reach the army turning into ashes. They could have become the most powerful units in the entire Demons' army, but there's a side effect. Their destructive magic doesn't deliver any damage to the living matter. That's why they're used as elite army defenders during sieges.
| Level 1. Arachnid |
| Level 2. Human Scorpion |
| Level 3. Human Spider |
| Level 4. Master of Darkness |
Historical Summary:
Level 1. Arachnid
Not only Rophs dwell in the depths of the Cursed Woods, but also the most terrifying creatures – Arachnids. These spider-like sentient beings are able to hypnotise and create magical illusions. They see perfectly well in darkness. Using their magic, they're able to deceive towers' garrisons with false targets reducing their damage to minimum. With great efforts the Drow were capable of bringing them to their side.
Level 2. Human Scorpion
The Drow's alchemists were attracted by the ability of Arachnids to feel the flows of magic. That's why after a lot of experiments chimeras consisting of Arachnids, the Drow and huge poisonous underground scorpions were created. This species preserved intelligence after the transformation. It was called Human Scorpion. The chimera was able to communicate with the creators. It inherited the abilities of Arachnids, but not the combat qualities of scorpions. However, chimeras became much more efficient in combat than common Arachnids.
Level 3. Human Spider
Again and again the experiments on hybridisation of a big number of different species failed. New chimeras were not what they were intended to be more and more. That's why alchemists picked the way of minimum components. In order to create "Human Spider" only Arachnid and Drow were used. The chimera exceeded all expectations despite of the limitations of the "three chimera components" law. Human Spider hasn't lost his mind and even received enhanced abilities of Arachnids. Truly Dark Elves created the most powerful mage in the world. A squad of these chimeras is able to completele neutralise damage even from the strongest enemy towers.
| Level 1.Servant of Darkness |
| Level 2. Necromancer |
| Level 3. Soul Collector |
| Level 4. Lord of Souls |
| Level 1. Demi-Snakeleg |
| Level 2. Snakeleg |
| Level 3. Great Snakeleg |
See also:
Units Parameters
Units Training