If there is no Range specified in a Spell description, the Range is 1 Kingdom.

If a Hero is the bearer of a Spell, then the Hero should be in the Garrison of the Domain-target in order for the Spell to take effect.

"Still Spirits" Spell
After the Spell is cast, points from attacking units fallen in the Domain are zeroed.

"Intrepidity" Spell
Affects "Deep Horror", "Horror" and "Compassion" Spells.
Does not affect "Caution in Defence" and "Caution in Attack" Spells.

"Victim" Spell
Turns Troops into Resources.
70% of selected units can be exchanged for Resources at the market average rate.

"True View" Spell
Allows your Visionaries to see true attacks against other player's Domain.
Exception is: missions under "Invisibility" Spell.

"Anabiosis" Spell
Affects the Domain-target with almost all its effects.
Exception is: Science studying stops in all Domains.

Spells that affect enemy troops so that they start retreating, like "Deep Horror", "Horror" and "Compassion" Spells do, are not active together. Only the Spell with the biggest effect will be active.