Non-combat missions can be launched by clicking an empty square or other player’s domain on the Kingdom Map, which depends on the type of mission.
[{Image src='ncmis.jpg' width='..' height='..' align='center' style='..' class='..' }]
__More detailed information on each mission can be found here:__\\
    * [Espionage|Espionage]\\
    * [Exploration|Exploration]\\
    * [City Foundation|Colonisation]\\
    * [Vision|Observe]\\
    * [Resources Transportation|MoveResources]\\
    * [Army Relocation|MoveArmy] \\
After mission has been launched, its course can be observed in the Missions Window, though some missions can be completed in a moment.\\
Minimal __duration__ of not-instant, traveling missions – is 15 minutes one way.\\  
[{Image src='smth.jpg'  align='center' }]