Clan Warehouse and Clan Reservation.

How much time will it take for
resources transportation
to become available
since the tunnel opening
1 0 0 30000 5000 0 100000 2 hours
2 0 0 40000 6000 0 200000 3 hours
3 0 0 50000 7000 0 400000 4 hours
4 50000 15000 60000 10000 0 800000 5 hours
5100000 30000 100000 15000 0 1500000 6 hours
6200000 50000 200000 30000 0 3000000 7 hours
7300000100000 400000 50000 0 6000000 8 hours


1 500 000

500 000

2 000 000

500 000


12 000 000

8 hours

How much time will it take for
people transportation
to become available
since the tunnel opening
1 0 0 30000 5000 0 5000 2 hours
2 0 0 40000 6000 0 10000 3 hours
3 0 0 50000 7000 0 15000 4 hours
4 0 0 60000 8000 0 20000 5 hours
5 0 0 70000 9000 0 30000 6 hours
6 0 0 80000 10000 0 40000 7 hours
7 0 0 90000 11000 0 50000 8 hours


100 000

250 000

900 000

11 000


100 000

8 hours

Clan Head can build Clan Warehouse and Clan Reservation in a Pit.
Resources and people are usually burnt during robberies but not for the players in clan. When there is a robbery by a clan member, that part of resources or population get to the Clan Warehouse or Reservation after the buildings are built.

As Clan Warehouse and Reservation fill up, the Clan Head can distribute gathered resources among members of the clan at his own discretion. Distribution of resources can only be performed if the Pit tunnel is open. In case the Tunnel was closed and then opened by the Clan Head, a certain amount of time, specified in the table above, have to pass before the distribution will become possible. The time needed depends on the level of Clan Warehouse or Reservation.

On the other hand, other players can rob resources from Clan Warehouse and Reservation anytime when the Tunnel is open.

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